Many tasks that are repetitive in nature can be accomplished automatically or with fewer steps using home automation. Instead of turning off or dimming four different lights when you want to watch a movie, home automation allows you to accomplish this task with one button.
Save Money on Utilities.
Home automation can turn off lights or lower the thermostat automatically when you aren’t using them and easily lower your utility bills by 10% to 25%.
Increased Home Safety.
Many accidents happen in the home because of poor lighting. Home automation can automatically turn lights on in closets, stairways, and other dark places when you enter and decrease the chance of accidentally tripping or running into things.
Home Security.
Although home security is a priority for everyone, high installation cost or monthly monitoring charges make security systems cost-prohibitive for many homeowners. Home automation provides an inexpensive solution to home security.
Good for the Environment.
In a time when we are all becoming more environmentally aware, home automation provides a good solution to help preserve our natural resources. Home automation products can reduce power consumption and automatically turn off lights and appliances when they aren’t in use.
Peace of Mind.
Never again worry about your home while you’re away. Using home video cameras and an internet connection, you can check on the status of your home or kids from anywhere in the world using a PC or web-enabled phone.